The M777 fires a range of 155mm NATO artillery shells, including the M982 Excalibur GPS guided shell. The maximum rate of fire is 4 rpm, with sustained fire .... The M-777 is a 155-millimetre towed howitzer. While it fires big shells, it was designed as an ultra-light gun by BAE Land Systems, Inc., a ....

The M777 can also fire a wider variety of projectiles, including guided shells, than the Soviet artillery that had been in Ukraine's armory, he .... Ukraine M777 howitzer Ukrainian artillerymen fire a M777 howitzer towards Russian positions.

... and 300,000 120mm rounds. “We identified ....

M982 Excalibur 155mm round leaves the barrel of an M777 Howitzer during a live fire shoot. Artillery amunition includes the projectile or shell; propellant ....